Black Austrolorps~Good Layers?? ~~


12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
South Carolina
~~Black Austrolorps. Are they really good egg-layers even through the summers & winters?

My nine standard laying hens only layed maybe 1 to 2 eggs a day this last winter.
I still like them though......

But I soooo want eggs all year round!
Well i dont know about the Austrolorps but if you want eggs year round get leghorns and a light for your coop. BUT Leghorns are not that nice. You would have to handel them all the time when babys i think. I have 9 pulet leghorns and i get some times 10 - 12 eggs! LOL. So i would get them if you want a LOT of eggs. But they are not the nicest birds. Hope that helps!

Chicken Girl
I don't have Austrolorps but I can add that my BSL's have been great layers all winter long, something I didn't expect. I looked at Austrolorps last week but held off wondering if the claim was really true about being great layers year round. I tend to be leery of those types of things.
My one hen is an AMAZING layer. At least one a day, all summer, and all winter. Not to mention shes my friendliest adult bird!!!

I love her to death, and when I start a my 'breeding program', you can bet that Australorps will be one of my first breeds.

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