Black bibbed duckling with brown splashes?


Previously AstroDuck
Aug 28, 2020
I have a black bibbed Hookbill duckling who definitely hatched black bibbed (hatched from my flock), but he had these very small patches of almost a very dark chocolate down on his chest that were only noticable if you were really looking for them in natural light. I just assumed that the down was a lighter shade of black because down can sometimes be different shades variants then when they get adult feathers they feather in a solid color. I figured once he lost his down everything was going to grow in solid black. Well he is starting to feather in and that down is now dusky/nutmeg adult feathers. I only have two adult drakes one is a Golden Snowy and the other was a nutmeg/dusky mallard. Mom is black bibbed. I'm curious for the genetic expert's what's happening here? I'm assuming my golden snowy drake is the dad throwing some sort of splash gene?


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I have a black bibbed Hookbill duckling who definitely hatched black bibbed (hatched from my flock), but he had these very small patches of almost a very dark chocolate down on his chest that were only noticable if you were really looking for them in natural light. I just assumed that the down was a lighter shade of black because down can sometimes be different shades variants then when they get adult feathers they feather in a solid color. I figured once he lost his down everything was going to grow in solid black. Well he is starting to feather in and that down is now dusky/nutmeg adult feathers. I only have two adult drakes one is a Golden Snowy and the other was a nutmeg/dusky mallard. Mom is black bibbed. I'm curious for the genetic expert's what's happening here? I'm assuming my golden snowy drake is the dad throwing some sort of splash gene?

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View attachment 2715920
I was gonna say Calico (Ca) of being a possibility, but it doesn’t look like any particular phase or dilution of Mallard so maybe not.

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