Black Copper Marans discussion thread

 i took some of the pics out so it could be shorter, but if u click on the second photo and enlarge it...that hen's eye looks odd to me. The coloring of the eye...also how big it is and the way it looks

What do u think


Your pullet in the 2nd pic has an irregular pupil which could be as simple as a physical deformity to marek's disease. Chickens with marek's disease usually present with paralysis in one or both legs, weight loss, and gray eyes with abnormal pupil. If your pullet is otherwise healthy then it's probably just a physical deformity. Is the other eye normal? Her eye color is not the deep reddish-orange color we expect in Marans but her eyes do not appear gray either. She is young so her eyes may still color up.

Do you guys have problems with the Copper Marans feathered feet have often been pecked and bleeding? Seems like almost every few months I have that case.
Do you guys have problems with the Copper Marans feathered feet have often been pecked and bleeding? Seems like almost every few months I have that case.
yes, it happened all the time to King Titan also. I just put the purple chicken pecking cream on him. He's in his own space now so no pecking from the girls. He's so gorgeous I wish I didn't have to separate him.

Your pullet in the 2nd pic has an irregular pupil which could be as simple as a physical deformity to marek's disease. Chickens with marek's disease usually present with paralysis in one or both legs, weight loss, and gray eyes with abnormal pupil. If your pullet is otherwise healthy then it's probably just a physical deformity. Is the other eye normal? Her eye color is not the deep reddish-orange color we expect in Marans but her eyes do not appear gray either. She is young so her eyes may still color up.


Keith thAnks for adding your input! Both eyes are like this. I looked up mareks and although I don't think it is, I appreciate your casting a wide net for me on the possibility as this only helps me learn! She's healthy and a sweet bird. How would you proceed if you had her? No other signs of issues her eyes have always been like that but i can identify the different ones early on compared to my mate (we don't tag Chicks)
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Keith thAnks for adding your input! Both eyes are like this. I looked up mareks and although I don't think it is, I appreciate your casting a wide net for me on the possibility as this only helps me learn! She's healthy and a sweet bird. How would you proceed if you had her? No other signs of issues her eyes have always been like that but i can identify the different ones early on compared to my mate (we don't tag Chicks)

I looked at your pullet photo with the eye issue- I'm not a vet, but, don't cull yet... it does not look like Merricks, IMO. Her eyes are still changing color and may completely get rid of the dark areas when they change to bay at POL.

She may also have "Dirty" eyes, (Melanotic spots) of brown- Ocular Melanosis (David Bowie had the condition, one brown eye, one blue.). This is very common in chickens, and not harmful or a contagious condition, just melanized color in areas. Sometimes areas of dark stay awhile like this guy. (Ignore the torn comb- a flockmate did that.) Or, they just have brown pigmented spot(s).

In Merricks, the Iris would become a pale gray, and the pupil would have a keyhole shape, or become off-round or oblong.

Hello everyone! I thought this would be a good thread to ask on but I've got a BCM that I'm not sure is a pullet or cockerel. I have another thread started with updated pictures from week 1 through week 8 and the most current consensus say that my BCM is a pullet. I was worried because 'she' is starting to get a few copper hackle feathers. Is 8 weeks too soon to be getting copper hackle feathers for a pullet?

Feel free to check out my other thread if you want to see my 2 Blue Marans Cockerels and others :)
Hello everyone! I thought this would be a good thread to ask on but I've got a BCM that I'm not sure is a pullet or cockerel. I have another thread started with updated pictures from week 1 through week 8 and the most current consensus say that my BCM is a pullet. I was worried because 'she' is starting to get a few copper hackle feathers. Is 8 weeks too soon to be getting copper hackle feathers for a pullet?

Feel free to check out my other thread if you want to see my 2 Blue Marans Cockerels and others :)
Looks like a pullet to me and she will have nice eye color too!

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