Black Jersey Giant thread!!!!!

Yeh Penguin (that's his name) chases them a little, and when they brush past his chest with their tail feathers you see he perks up and looks interested, but then nothing.
My friends own his father and we hand raised him too, but now he's huge and actually quite rough with the ladies, to the point where he harassed them so frequently and frantically, that the hens began to look really stressed, their feathers were a mess/backs of their heads were bold (sometimes even bloody) and they all stopped laying for months, laying again now though.

When I read more about the breed, it says ideally they need between 5 and 6 hens per cockerel which is a few more than average. So I guess the breed is renowned for being randy and a bit rough.
I've got a little buff sussex and she's at the bottom of the pecking order, and I'm worried she might become his prime target.

Anyway, I guess I'll see how it goes. If he starts being a real sex pest I can always sell him, he's so handsome I'm sure it would be easy :)
Yeh Penguin (that's his name) chases them a little, and when they brush past his chest with their tail feathers you see he perks up and looks interested, but then nothing.
My friends own his father and we hand raised him too, but now he's huge and actually quite rough with the ladies, to the point where he harassed them so frequently and frantically, that the hens began to look really stressed, their feathers were a mess/backs of their heads were bold (sometimes even bloody) and they all stopped laying for months, laying again now though.

When I read more about the breed, it says ideally they need between 5 and 6 hens per cockerel which is a few more than average. So I guess the breed is renowned for being randy and a bit rough.
I've got a little buff sussex and she's at the bottom of the pecking order, and I'm worried she might become his prime target.

Anyway, I guess I'll see how it goes. If he starts being a real sex pest I can always sell him, he's so handsome I'm sure it would be easy :)
Or you could eat him lol! That's what I'd do. I've never eaten a fresh chicken, but I've heard they are 100 times better than buying them from the store. Good luck with him!
I guess their libido is larger than average too. I've got 15 hens, hopefully that'll keep mine satisfied haha. That would be a shame to have to sell such a handsome fellow but I'm sure he'd go fast. Mine have been locked up for a couple very cold days and were in a rush to get out this morning. In just as big a rush to get back in when they realized how much snow was out there! Now they are slowly testing it out. My roo is crowing every morning now. It is such a deep cool sounding crow.
Yeh I'm pretty sure it's quite cold on their feet! When I let mine sit on my arm (when their feet aren't covered in mud and poo) I realised how warm their toes are, I was surprised!

I would love to see some photos of your chickens in the snow :)
I should've taken some. It was pretty funny watching them all crowd the ramp. The ones in the back wanting to go forward and the ones in front wanting to go backwards haha. Most of them got used to it and some just went back inside to watch through the window. ( must be like the weather channel for chickens) I will have to try to get some shots.
LOL For sure. BTW I'm actually really disappointed that more people haven't joined on the thread.

just to make you happy,
been watching from the wings
, so to speak for a while now.
So for my official 1st post on BYC wanted to join this and say "howdy"
and we got 24 black JG coming in April, so cannot comment now, but looking forward to adding to the discussion in the future.
Hello and welcome ! Glad to have ya here. Can't wait to see the little puffballs. Are these your first chickens?
Well purplesquirrel I got up the other morning to get some snow pictures just to find that it melted overnight haha. Next time I guess.
No on the first chickens, we have had sexlinks over the years for eggs, this will be our first venture into dual purpose birds though as well as the heritage breeds.
We are also putting our toes into heritage turkeys.
I guess its true, they are like lays chips, you just cant have one.
will post when they arrive, we are looking forward to em as well
stay warm.
just to make you happy,
been watching from the wings
, so to speak for a while now.
So for my official 1st post on BYC wanted to join this and say "howdy"
and we got 24 black JG coming in April, so cannot comment now, but looking forward to adding to the discussion in the future.
Hi, and welcome to the thread!

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