Black Shoulder Yearling


Free Ranging
10 Years
Sep 29, 2013
The Scenic Flint Hills of Kansas
I see a couple of things in this guy that hints of something hidden in his background. Do you see it?

Perhaps it is just wishful thinking but look at his face and neck. The fellow I bought him and a hen from said that there were three peas on the property when he bought it. A IB, a Pied, and a BS. He knows nothing about their backgrounds.
Do you mean the yellowish coloration on his face?


They were free ranged birds so they have had access to a lot of food choices as well as being fed like chickens.
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How long have you had this guy KsKingBee? The reason I'm asking is because I was given a feral/free ranged IB Peahen in 2011 that had super yellow cheeks. They were so yellow that I thought she might have had some Spalding in her. Prior to me acquiring her, she was living off what she could forage off the ranch she was dumped off at, plus a lot of scratch and cracked corn that was consistently fed to the chickens that were also there. 2 1/2 yrs later, with little to no corn in her diet the yellow has completely faded from her cheeks.

I bought him and a hen from the same guy at an auction right after I killed a hen by stressing her out while giving an injection three weeks ago. I tend to console myself by buying something when I am feeling down. This guy I doubt does anything special for his birds knowing what I do about him.

As far s the corn goes, that is an interesting idea but I know a guy about five miles away who has chickens, guineas, and peafowl and he tells me that he does not buy ANY processed feed. Only milo (maze), and cracked corn, that's it, nothing else. All of his birds free range and none of them have yellow cheeks so I don't know.

I am sure it is just wishful thinking on my part but when you get birds from people that don't know what they have it just makes you wonder. I guess it makes me wonder why I do it. DW said to sell everything and start over with select birds from Brad Legg, just the fancy ones, but I see the beauty in just about all the different colors and patterns and I am attached to too many of the ones I have. OK, maybe not the Cameo hens I have, but I have high hopes for the Cameo crossings I have hatched from the Pied/WE and BS cocks I bred them to.
Try blowing the picture up and looking closely at the color of the face and neck. Perhaps he is just a BS, but....

I am waiting for Dylansmom to look.
I doubt that yellow is from spalding blood because there does not appear to be much there. You can almost instantly tell a spalding bird though by just looking at the shape of the neck feathers. If they are scalloped and structured as opposed to being longer straight hair looking there is green blood there. It is hard to get rid of that characteristic of green birds.
He certainly is interesting looking! Love the colors! I definitely do believe there's some BS there, but I don't know about anything else.

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