Black walnuts? Where to get these?

How we do it is we collect all the walnuts after they've fallen and turned brown then place them in the driveway - and run them over MANY TIMES with the truck. Let them sit to get the hulls (the big green/brown outside part - thats where your stain comes from btw) and then using gloves (KEY PART THERE) we take the dried nuts and throw them into a wheel barrel and put them into the garage and let them dry even more.

They will stay that way for a long time.

you can make stain out of the shells along with the outer casing - just make sure you wear gloves handling the walnuts too because you will still get stained fingers
My mother has two huge walnut trees (man oh man I LOVE those things) and here is what she does (not sure if this is a good idea but it works). she puts a layer out in this designated "walnut" spot and runs over them. Yeah, with the car. and if it isn't wet out jsut leaves them to dry there. If it is wet she brings them inside and spreads them on newspaper until they are dry then stores them in bags.

Hope you can find some silkiechicken. Like someone else said, most anyone with a tree or two will give you as many as you want.
Oh my yes!!!! I actually hate English Walnuts and LOVE Black Walnuts though.....go figure! The way we crack them in my family is a big, hard, flat rock and a hammer.
Then get the nut pick and enjoy! They are a pain but soooooooooo worth it!
When I was a kid I lived next door to a holstein pasture. My mom made me cart over there multiple times with a sack to pick up the black walnuts that were windfallen over in the far corner of the field - she liked to put them in her apple cakes. ANYway, we kept the sacks in the basement cold cellar until the husks got dry and brittle. Then I had to peel those things off and use a hammer to break the nuts open. Lots o' work getting the meats out...geez!

I currently have a pot sitting on my back porch with some black walnuts and water...making walnut ink.
Hmm... what would cost + shipping be to either area code 98204 or 97333? I've gotta figure out if that is what I want to get for someone for x mas since there isn't any out on this coast and I'd never heard of them prior...
silkie - have you ever tasted black walnuts? they are alot stronger than english walnuts (what most people are used to). If you bake with them, you only use like 1/4 the amount to what you'd use regular walnuts for.

Oh - hmm.. you need them for Christmas.... okay, well... you're on the West Coast and I'm on the East. If I mailed them out on Monday, it will take about 7 business days to get to you via USPS (exclude Sundays) so I dont know if they'd be there in time for Christmas if you need to mail them again... If you dont need to mail them again, they should be there
in time.

Oh, I wouldnt charge you for them sweetie - I'll just send em to ya! How much do you need, like a pound? Wouldnt be more than $5.00 to send them to you, I just need to know how I'd pack them as its a food item... I KNOW! I can foodsaver them! YEPPERS! Thats the ticket! That way they wont rattle around

Just PM me your addy.
From what i've been reading if they have to run them over with the car just to get to the nutshell, I don't think the UPS gorillas could even break them.

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