Blondes and Chickens

Im blonde and love the jokes

There was a blonde rowinh a boat in a field.
another blonde drives up in a truck and yells 'Its blondes like you that give blondes like me a bad name. If I could swim I'd come out and kick your butt'
i got tons of em. Gotta laugh at yourself sometimes
They're just jealous of our ah-mazing good looks.
*Flips hair*
Best Ever!

3 Girls were On a radtrip in the country, One Blonde, A Redhead and a Brunette. The car breaks down at a farm.

They go into the barn and look around, they hear the farmer coming and jump into big sacks

the man heard somthing moving in the sacks and poked them with a pitchfork

the Brunette's bag went "Bark!"

The Redheads bag Went "Meow!"

The Blondes bad Went "Potatoe!!"

WOO! Brunettes having blonde moments!

Yup. Deep, down I am a true blonde!!!

A blonde had to get her hair cut, so she went to the hair dresser.
she walked inside and sat down. And the hair dresser started to cut her hair.
The hair dresser couldn't cut correctly because the blonde's headphones were in the way. So she asked, "Excuse me, can you please take those off?"
the blonde didn't reply... the hair dresser asked again, "um, can you please take those off?"

and again, no answer... so she just took the headphones off and continued cutting.

a few seconds later the blonde chokes and faints.

the desperate hair dresser quickly calls 911 where the blonde is rushed to the hospital.

She then looked on the table and saw the headphones laying there.

So she picked them up and listened.

"Breath in.... breath out...... breath in..... breath out......."
I'm blonde, and I think these jokes are hilarious. Though I will admit, people who REALLY think all blondes are dumb, are the real idiots.

Here's one of my favorites:

Two blondes were in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of their car with a coat hanger.
First Blonde:

"I can't seem to get this door unlocked!

Second Blonde:

"Well you better hurry up. It's starting to rain and the top is down!"
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