Blood in duckling poop

Ok thanks imma go now before they close and start it tonight incase more have it in here.

Let us know if the one starts doing better after getting some Corid in her. I should add that Corid works by depleting the coccidia of thiamine (B1), so avoid supplementing the birds with any vitamins that contain thiamine during treatment, as you would be essentially working against the effectiveness of the drug. Coccidia also like damp, fecal littered bedding, so tr to keep their bedding as clean, and dry as possible

If the duckling continues to act poorly, you could try starting them on an antibiotic, to possibly see if that is the problem, however, bring a fecal sample of the duckling's poop to a vet near you, and having them do a preliminary gram stain, direct smear, and float would be best. Not suggesting this is the problem, but there are deadly viruses out there such as DVE, which can cause lethargy, blood stools, and often death in ducklings. So consider that moving forward, but I would personally expect the virulence, and severity of deaths within your flock to be more emphasized with something like DVE, but I could be wrong.

Sometimes, when a vet isn't an option, and there isn't much clue of what's going on with the birds, you have to treat on an elimination basis.
What would treat dve. A vet isnt an option theres only one within a hour of me and last time one had a hurt foot they said itd be 3 months before I got in.

There is no cure for DVE, along with other viral diseases affecting waterfowl. It is quite rare, and there have only been a few cases in the US.

Here is some info on DVE :

I'm not suggesting that is what they have, but do keep the problem in mind, while continuing on with treatment. If you do happen to lose another duckling, it may be worth sending its body to your state veterinary necropsy lab by mail, for some sort of clarification of what happened :

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