Bloody or intestinal poop?


5 Years
May 12, 2018
Southeastern mass
Can anybody opine on this poop, normal shedding or bloody and to be concerned about? 12 week chicks. Were on medicated feed until about 8 weeks. Thank you in advance!
I agree it wouldn't hurt to give some corid. When my birds had cocci their poop had dark red blood it was never a question if it was intestinal or cocci poop it was very alarming. This to me looks like lining but better to be safe than sorry since it's a quick killer.
I think that's a little too much shed intestinal lining from one bird. Since they're off medicated feed, it wouldnt hurt to give your birds a round of corid.
I'm curious, what are you feeding them now, non medicated starter/grower?
Thanks. Yes, they're on non medicated grower crumbles and free range. They're otherwise all eating, drinking and active.

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