Blue/Brown Eggs, Easter/Christmas Eggs - Getting my craft on!!

Thanks! Makes me want to get a couple more white egg layers. Funny cause the olive and green eggs I have are really pretty and my favorite ornaments are white!
And just one hole when I blow them out. I use a 60cc syringe and a 16g needle.
After reading this I really want to try but the hens aren't laying and I fear that I'll be addicted which'd mean I'd have to start making Saturday Morning breakfast as I know the hub would never do anything but break the eggs ..... Maybe I'll forget about how cute all these are before the hens start laying again!
I hatch a clutch sometime in june that way I have POL pullets right now! Just had a girl start laying at 22 weeks and I love decorating the tiny pink egg she gives me everyday! Then I'm only getting about 1 or 2 a day from my main coop out of 5 hens.
Yeah, mine too...lots of molting going on here. I know they deserve the break, but it's hard buying store bought eggs again.
My little flock of 5 hatched in August should start laying in late January. Three of them are EEs, so I'm crossing my fingers for colored eggs to decorate. Some folks order blown eggs from ebay

I considered that, but went ahead and decorated the dozen or so (mostly bantam) that I'd stockpiled. I'll consider them my "practice" eggs, and will wait for the rest.
I DID go ahead and order a bunch of rub-ons from an on-line site though...
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I am heading to hobby lobby this weekend to pick up some supplies for the little egghead snowmen in the link i posted. I have a TON of little thread spools that I plan to use for the bases! Love the idea of repurposing them like this

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