Blue Copper Maran - New to Flock


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 6, 2014
Pooper issues - Not officially introduced to the flock, as we are working on that, but in the quarantine phase. However, I recently posted that she had liquid bowels, diarrhea, brown, no odd colors. We have not had her for quite a full week, and there is a little more solidity, (far from normal), yet the area around the poop is soaked! I keep clearing out the sand and pine shavings to keep it clean and dry, and adding more, but find it abnormally wet. Any ideas from more experienced chicken keepers? Maybe we are making progress, but need more time?
Thanks for any "heads up" insight!
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Hello there and welcome to BYC!

How old is this bird? Do you know how she was kept before you brought her home? Lots of things can cause diarrhea in chickens...stress, new diet, health issues, not eating enough, over heating, ect....

Do you know if she has been wormed? Even Cocci can cause lots of diarrhea and is common with birds that are put on new grounds.

Is there a white cap on this poop?

You might post this in our emergency section, (this is the quail section) for more help with this issue....

Good luck with your bird. I hope you can get her fixed up and worked into your flock soon.
Oops, didn't mean to post in the quail category! I'll try that again. Yes, she is 3 month old, and bought her at a swap, so unsure of her diet, and surroundings. Stress, and heat, would make sense, here in Colorado, we've been pretty hot. She is now on a good diet, and I did add a little Diatomaceous Earth to her feed. Meal worms, and a good feed. Vitamin/Electrolyte supplement in her water too, so hoping things get better soon. No white cap on the poop. She is sweet, busy, and loves to forage. She doesn't act odd, just a lot of soaking in her coop, with loose stool still. I'll need to look up Cocci, and will now. Thank you, I'll post in the chicken forum now!
Oops, didn't mean to post in the quail category! I'll try that again. Yes, she is 3 month old, and bought her at a swap, so unsure of her diet, and surroundings. Stress, and heat, would make sense, here in Colorado, we've been pretty hot. She is now on a good diet, and I did add a little Diatomaceous Earth to her feed. Meal worms, and a good feed. Vitamin/Electrolyte supplement in her water too, so hoping things get better soon. No white cap on the poop. She is sweet, busy, and loves to forage. She doesn't act odd, just a lot of soaking in her coop, with loose stool still. I'll need to look up Cocci, and will now. Thank you, I'll post in the chicken forum now!
Too much electrolytes can cause diarrhea as can extra vitamins. So if she has had a few days of vitamins and electrolytes, I will stop those for now.

Being only 3 months old, it is possible she has cocci. This is common with birds moved to new grounds, especially with young birds with newly developed immune systems. You might try some Corid or Amprolium on her. You can get this at most feed stores. It is put in the water for 5 days with nothing else in the water.

Good luck and I hope she makes a full recovery soon!
Oh thank you, thank you! Today! Good news, more solid and normal looking poo! White lined, and feeling better about her health! Should I still treat her, just as precautionary? Or keep doing what we are doing?
I would just watch her for now. It never hurts to have different meds on hand for any emergency, so if you don't have this stuff, you might get some. But she may have been just stressed or getting used to the new diet. Try to be as calm as you can around her and keep the stresses down for her. If she starts to go down hill then you might treat her.

Worms, bacterial infections and cocci are the most common physical ailments for causing diarrhea. Stress is a very big factor as an environmental factor for diarrhea.

Keep us posted and I hope she makes a full recovery!

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