Blue DL Barnevelder, Chocolate Orp bantam, Augsburgers, Coronation Sussex, Jubilee hatching eggs for

Augsburgers were raised from chicks from Greenfire. I purchased my Coronation Sussex and Chocolate Bantam Orpington breeders from Greenfire and they are completely unrelated. Jubilee orps are Greenfire and Fancy Chick. Blue Double Laced Barnevelder breeders from Greenfire (blue roo over 2 blue hens- BBS genetics), Swedish Flower Hens (Various colors), Barred Rocks(Hatchery stock/ with breeder stock added for type)

Shipping will be $15 per order of 6-12 eggs
I can mix and match all eggs. Min 6 eggs
Jubille Orpington's $12
Barred Rocks $4
Coronation Sussex $10
Chocolate Orp Bantam $7
Augsburgers $8 per egg
Double Laced Barnevelders $7 per egg
Swedish Flower Hens $7
Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks $7
Lavender Orpingtons $12
Bielefelders $15
Silver Spangled Spitzhaubens $15
Chamois/Gold Spitzhaubens $15
Rhodebars $15
Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons $12
Dark Brahma Bantam $4

As with all shipped eggs it is a risk and we cannot gaurantee your hatch due to many factors out of our control, including shipping mishandling by the P.O. we do bubble wrap every egg individually and ship eggs all over the country.
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