Blue eyed rex rabbit


6 Years
Feb 23, 2017
I got a new rabbit today
and was surprised to see she had blue eyes. The rabbit is a black otter mini rex. I have heard of BEW rabbits and having a Vienna gene. It was my understanding that these rabbits would have white markings. My mini rex is jet black with a cream belly and no white markings or even scattered white hairs. Is her blue eyes still caused by the Vienna gene? Her blue eyes are very beautiful but I do not want to breed her if I will get kits with white markings. Let me know if you guys have any experience with this.
Thanks, Amber

She has all black toenails also. I will keep her as a pet for sure but would like to breed her to a black otter buck. I do not want white markings though since she has blue eyes.
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She certainly doesn't appear vienna marked, but I've never seen blue eyes on a truly Black Otter rabbit before. She may carry the vienna gene, or the blue eyes may be a genetic abnormality. If you are breeding for show, I probably wouldn't breed her and risk passing on the undesirable eye color. The only way to know if her kits would have white markings is to breed her, though.
Thanks for the reply. I am not breeding for show but definitely do not want random white markings. The blue eyes are great though. I guess i will just have to breed her and see. I bought a sister of hers also. She is black otter with dark eyes. There was one other in the litter and it was solid black with dark eyes. Unfortunately i did not see the parents.

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