Blue Heelers - Will they kill my chickens?


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
I noticed that my neighbor just purchased 2 Blue Heeler dogs and I was wondering if I should be worried about these dogs escaping from their yard, coming into my yard and killing my chickens.

What is this breed of dog's background? Are they hunting dogs?
they are herding dogs and are very nippy but any dog might see your chickens as prey unless they grow up with them. i have a friend with a lab and has several chickens that he lets walk all over him but is also a great hunting dog but he knows the difference. id be careful though if the chickens run the dogs might chase just out of instinct and might hurt them.
He will be fine, AS LONG as you train him and be forceful. They are a bread of dog that demands you take control or they will control you. They are like Catahoula’s, you have to be dominate.

I have a Catahoula, which is a herding dog, and we trained him to be fine around the girls. He kills everything else, but he knows better than to mess with the girls. He will patrol around the yard while they are out keeping a watchful eye.
We have a herder breed dog that showed up at our house about a year ago. She was feral at the time and wouldn't even let us get within 10 feet of her. She has opened up to us finally but is such a strong hunter we are always cautious with her around the chickens. After lots of discipline and yelling she and our other outside dog (boxer pitbull mix, also an adopted stray) have absolutely no interest in the chickens. I would definitely keep an eye out and have a defensive weapon ready for the neighbors dogs.
I have a Blue Heeler and I would say unless they are trained properly to leave the chickens alone they definately have the drive built into them to at the very least chase and nip the chickens. That being said my boy was taught at a very young age to not bother the chickens unless I tell him to (he helps me herd them around sometimes) and he is great at keeping the turkeys off the porch took a lot of time and training to get him to this point. Are your neighbors Heelers pups? If so then possibly you could ask them to come over on occasion with them and do some sit, stay and leave it training. If they are full grown dogs I don't know how they would respond as they might have a lot of pent up energy and would be more prone to hurting the chickens. I myself would never get two heelers at the same time as I believe to be properly trained they need one on one training for at least the first year. I do have to say though with the right training a Heeler is the best dog I have ever owned hands down! Good luck to you! I hope your neighbors are willing to work with you :)
I've yet to see a blue or red heeler that can be fully trusted around birds. what has been previously posted is true they are strong headed and need to be very well trained. seems like if they don't like birds they go after something else, like cats. also been around a few that liked to try to take a bite out of me. to be fair those were not the best trained dogs I had ever seen though.
I feel I should also mention that if the Heelers are spayed and/or neutered they are very much prone to stay home and not wander or try to escape a secure yard (as with a lot of other dogs). My Heeler never ever tries to wander, I think he is afraid he might miss something exciting if he gets to far away from me. If your neighbors take the time that is required to have Heelers you should have no worries because these dogs very rarely want to leave thier owners side :)
dont leave them them ar un for when your not home dogs can come any time from any place and whipe you clean
My best friend's son was literally ripped to shreds by a pair of blue heelers, which were very well trained dogs, great with kids and belonged to a vet.

I have nothing against the breed, or any other breed, for that matter. I really do not think you can ever GUARANTEE that a dog will be trained well enough not to hurt something.

My toy poodle- scoldings after scoldings- still tries to fancy himself a bird herder. He is not able to do any damage to them, so it is actually funny to watch. Sometime I really wish the rooster or my peacock would stop running, turn around and stomp his a** into the ground to teach him a lesson. My husband's Mountain Feist is not let lose in the yard unless the chickens are in the coop for the night, I do not trust him and never will. He is bred to kill.

I would be safe and make certain the neighbors dogs are VERY secure and, most importantly, make sure your chickens are secure.

I would be leary about having them over for a meet and greet-- just because if they did get out, they might go where they are knowledgable to the fact there is something fun to chase and tasty to eat.

Good luck!!
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