Blue Laced Red Wyandotte 5 weeks old pullet??

She would be a SLR. Hatcheries sell them all as BLRs probably to reduce confusion or for marketing purposes.
Thank you! Yes, the hatchery page says Blue (BBS) Laced.... so I guess that is their way of naming them all in one listing, so they can sell all 3 colors equally. If I can edit the title, I will.
ETA: Can’t figure out how to edit the first post or the title, so I’m guessing only a moderator can.
need some comb photos in better lighting but i see quite a bit of red in some of the photos
I have 5 week old and she looks very different especially in development her feathers and her comb looks very similar to what I see with yours so please update so I can watch and compare!
I have 5 week old and she looks very different especially in development her feathers and her comb looks very similar to what I see with yours so please update so I can watch and compare!
Lacey is almost 8 months old now. She’s been laying since February. She lays a light brown egg with a pink tint. She is a very sweet girl. 🥰


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Is there a way to rotate photos on here? I couldn't find a way. I took the photos on my phone and they weren't sideways until I uploaded them on here. I couldn't figure out how to rotate them, so I had to log on to the computer, save the images to my desktop, delete them from byc, rotate them on my desktop, and now I'm re-uploading them.
Are BLRW sexed relatively at birth? like the darker ones are felames and whiter ones are males? LOVE this color!

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