Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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beleive he had rabbits year i will try to meet him..i never even found out how he did, it was so crowded up front you couldnt always hear whst was going on, but it will be in poultry press..

lot of great people out there..just have to make an effort at finding them..bob whitney is another so blessed to have met somone of that calibre and character..goes so far out of his way for people to , he is one of the most humble people ever, yet everywhere he goes he wins would never know it to talk to him..they dont make classy guys like that anymore..jacks type is a doer..they get out and get things done...ive been told that his stable of poultry is very impresive..not too far from here..
He may have a few rabbits he picked up here and there.
I spent many of Friday nights talking chickens with him at a "local" livestock action that we would both go to. He's one of a few breeders that has my line of Single and Rose Comb Reds.

If you ever get the chance to talk chicks to Jack, Tim Bowls, Dick Horstman, Bill Karcher, or Mick Stichler do so it is well worth it.

Subject: White Rocks

Per chance, is anyone known to be taking White Rocks to the up coming Ohio National? I shall have a very special spy who will be looking for me.

T'would not make me sad should she be able to procure a nice trio, perhaps.

Total newbie here. I don't even have chickens yet, just doing lots of lurking here and building our coop. I am in OH and would love to go to a poultry show. Can you tell me when and where the Ohio National is?
Total newbie here. I don't even have chickens yet, just doing lots of lurking here and building our coop. I am in OH and would love to go to a poultry show. Can you tell me when and where the Ohio National is?

Finish your coop, go to the National. There are at least 5200 birds entered! Pick a breed and buy a trio of winners. 1 male and 2 females. Or a quad, 2 males and 2 females. Ask the person you buy them from what to feed them because you want to keep them in the same excellent condition. Take notes, ratios and ingredients can be confusing to remember. Talk to the veterans in your chosen breed. Explain you are just starting out. Chicken people are really nice. If you are coming to poultry from the dog world, you have a very pleasant surprise in store for you. Stay in touch with your bird's breeder, they can be very helpful to you. Yes, the birds may cost more, but the quality you will get will save you years of breeding up in quality.
Karen in soggy western PA, USA

Oh, Go to the American Poultry Association website and buy a copy of the Standard of Perfection for 59.00 . (They should also have them available at the show .....or perhaps you could prepay and pick it up at the show?) Take it with you to the show and consult it when you check out the breeds. You'll be very surprised that the show folk will take you more seriously when they see you with SOP in hand. It is a valuable reference, containing not only the Standard for your chosen breed, but the 1st 38 pages are a wonderful reference for breeding birds properly.
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They look young still and the tail angle on the male is a issue but in time he should be ok. Not many people have this breed anymore only two or three. Where did you get them from?
Thanks for the input everyone. I will really look at the angle of his tail and see if it is an issue or just the camera angle. I hatched him from a small flock of WFBS that a lady in NC sold me (she was getting out of the breed, his father was as mean as a snake but this guy has the best personality--his father died in the spring). Not 100% sure where she got the chickens but seems like she said mcmurray. Some of the hens are not great quality, this is the better of the hens and shes only 1.5 years old. We just think their faces are so funny and i have always liked that beautiful contrast of black white and red. Very striking walking around the yard.
There is a breeder in North Carloina who has good White Face Black Spanish. Mike Miller was his name. He sent me his last white rock large fowls to me ten years ago this Christmas to cross into my line. Nice fellow. He is one of the three I was talking about. Have fun with them they are a neat chicken.
There is a breeder in North Carloina who has good White Face Black Spanish. Mike Miller was his name. He sent me his last white rock large fowls to me ten years ago this Christmas to cross into my line. Nice fellow. He is one of the three I was talking about. Have fun with them they are a neat chicken.

Thanks! Do you think he's still breeding them? Do you know where he might be or how I could get a hold of him? They are so pretty and I'd love to see more.
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