Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Finish your coop, go to the National. There are at least 5200 birds entered! Pick a breed and buy a trio of winners. 1 male and 2 females. Or a quad, 2 males and 2 females. Ask the person you buy them from what to feed them because you want to keep them in the same excellent condition. Take notes, ratios and ingredients can be confusing to remember. Talk to the veterans in your chosen breed. Explain you are just starting out. Chicken people are really nice. If you are coming to poultry from the dog world, you have a very pleasant surprise in store for you. Stay in touch with your bird's breeder, they can be very helpful to you. Yes, the birds may cost more, but the quality you will get will save you years of breeding up in quality.
Karen in soggy western PA, USA

Oh, Go to the American Poultry Association website and buy a copy of the Standard of Perfection for 59.00 . (They should also have them available at the show .....or perhaps you could prepay and pick it up at the show?) Take it with you to the show and consult it when you check out the breeds. You'll be very surprised that the show folk will take you more seriously when they see you with SOP in hand. It is a valuable reference, containing not only the Standard for your chosen breed, but the 1st 38 pages are a wonderful reference for breeding birds properly.

Thanks for the info. and advice!
That was the cock from Emily. Consdering i am used to Sussex being on the smaller side (like 2.5 kg) this is a huge step. I now have hens bigger then the cock sussex i had three years ago!

It was so worth they money in flying them cross country (175ish)

I was looking at my pictures today for a breed and saw this guy. This is a great picture of a White Face Black Spanish. I may have to stand corrected on your males tail. Look at the angle it comes straight up and so does his. At least you have a picture of a male to study and compair your male to. Print it out to a five by seven on your printer and take it out side and compair it to your bird. Great breed and I hope you get more like him. bob
White Face Black Spanish should have a tail angle of 45 degree's above horizontal.


Male is 45 degrees, female is 40 degrees. When I checked it I saw the female & assumed [incorrectly] both were the same. Should have known better.
Total newbie here. I don't even have chickens yet, just doing lots of lurking here and building our coop. I am in OH and would love to go to a poultry show. Can you tell me when and where the Ohio National is?
Hey, Cedavid.

Hope you can make the ON. I went last year before I got chickens and it really was an eye opener. What Karen said - Finish your coop, load a couple pet carries or big plastic totes lined with shavings and bring a wad of cash. You'll have your coop stocked in no time. WARNING: Only bring as much money as you intend to spend. If you bring more, you'll spend it too. LOL.

Another important point - the earlier you get there, the better chance you'll have of getting what you want. There will be a bazillion people selling chickens off the backs of pickups, vans, and trucks, so get ready to be amazed by all the choices. That's why it's important to decide on a breed before you get there. Otherwise, you'll want "one of everything."

I'm hoping to make it next week. Look for the guy in the red American Buckeye Club t-shirt and the fedora and that's me.
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