Boise, ID 1.5 year old Silver Seabright

Still willing to take her as a companion to my silkie
Thanks, Rikus! That is very nice of you. I may have to take you up on your offer yet, but I am still trying to keep her if possible. She is not vaccinated.

The past couple days I have actually had her back out in the coop without incident so I am trying to see if she will be able to stay. I have sectioned off the coop and removed the biggest bully from having access to her. This seems to have chilled out the other chickens as well. I have also let them all out for supervised time in the yard and so far, so good! It seems like the other chickens aren't interested in bothering her now that they are not seeing the main bully hen picking on her incessantly. Her neck is almost completely healed too, so I think not having the open wound to peck at has helped too.

Like I said, I am trying to make it work, but if it doesn't I would love for her to come live with your silkie. I really really appreciate the offer and will certainly let you know how it goes.

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