Book of Geese by Dave Holderread


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2022
does any one know if
The Book of Geese by Dave Holderread talks about guard geese

I don’t have the book but BirdsBeesTrees is right, geese don’t make good guards, they do just guard themselves and their nests.

The ones that saved Rome from the Gauls were probably nesting females that started cackling when they heard something is my guess, otherwise geese actually tend to become very quiet if they’re scared. They’ll only make a racket if they think they hear someone they know coming.

As for flock guardians geese are more fragile than they advertise, they can’t protect themselves let alone others, their main defense is to fly away or bluff if they can’t fly away.
They will scare away hawks just because of their size but not eagles or most land predators.

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