Boy or girl?


5 Years
Aug 31, 2015
I got a number of chicks on clearance, straight run, from tractor supply. (Hard to say no to 25 cents each!)

We got six buff orpingtons and one Wyandotte they had left. They are now 9 weeks old. As the orpingtons have gotten bigger and we have the ability to compare and contrast, we ended up with three boys and three girls. The Wyandotte is leaving us befuddled. My guess is girl, we have a grown silver laced Wyandotte and she looked more cockerelish than the other baby girls we had at the same time. Anyway, thought the Internet might want to chime in with their collective wisdom.

Here s/he is:

And just for kicks, one each of the orpingtons,girl on rock.
Her feathers are definitely different than our silver laced Wyandotte when she was young, figured she might have been misidentified or some mix. For a quarter I won't file a complaint. :) Thanks for your reply!

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