Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Look at all the activity today! I agree that my Brabanters are very appealing, even if they are not up to standard. I'm still waiting for eggs.

Flower, I'm so glad you found somewhere local for your roos to live. You'll have to post pics as they grow. They look very handsome.
I like them better than the Polish!
I like my chickens and am happy that I have found a new but temporary home. Although none of my birds are perfect, I like and enjoy them. The Brabanters roosters surprised me and it was hard for me to decided their fate. Because there are so pretty and unique it was difficult to cull them as I did with my other male chickens. I wish that I was able to talk with my neighbor before she called the police.

But thank all of you for cheering me on perhaps in the future I will be able to breed a nice flock of sweet and pretty Brabanters on my own turf.
Just hatched 5 Spitzhaubens out over the last two days during the blizzard here in NY. I was worried about a power outage but all worked out....Will post pictures when they "crest" out.........................................................Chrisf
By request of EweSheep, I shall post pictures of my Spitz pullet from Ideal at 7 months. She has two toenails on one of her middle toes.


My question for her color - Are their tophats supposed to be so dark?

Any comments from experienced spitz breeders? This girl is a pet, so I would love to know the temperament of the Spitz roos.

I just ordered one girl from ideal because I was so enthralled with the uniqueness of the breed, their grace and beauty - and I wanted a few white eggs. I was hoping she would have good temperament, and boy she does! From all the worries I had from comments that they were noisy and flighty, I got a beautiful and friendly little girl that runs to me in the yard and does the eggdance for me. I couldn't be more happy.
My Spitzhaubens were friendly but not people, in your lap, friendly. Come for treats they will! The Feathersite says that the Spitzhaubens do not tolerate confinements but mine did fine with a 4 x7 coop with a 16 x 8 foot run. They did fine as chicks in a brooder cage up to two months old and then into the coop they go. They do love to fly tho if you give them the chance. Flighty, mine was not that flighty or nervous like Leghorns. They are sometimes cautious at first and then when you come with bread, look out! They would literally mob you.

Chickenwisperer, you should have ordered MORE LOL!

The roos I've had, they are wonderful, sweet and never gave me any problems.

Pullets mohawks supposed to be a bit darker than the males but they will lighten up with age. If you see Allenwranch's Spitzhaubens now, as they are older, the spangles and the mohawks are lighter.

Chrisf, please do post your cute chicks!
What Robin Said...

She is a very pretty pullet. I like that she has real spangles. Some have almost black lacing.

I have never had an aggressive roo. However, they will protect their girls if they make a fuss. Spitz roos have come running toward me with "intent" in their eyes, but as soon as the girls stop squawking and/or I put them down, the roos go back to whatever they were doing before.

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