Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Really nice!.....Wish I had an ebay account!.............................................................................chrisf
It is EASY to get an Ebay account.
Because of my proclivity of shopping on-line, I can not have a paypal account. So if some one will take postal money orders for eggs purchases I buy for them. This is just my problem but as easy as it is to get an account it is easier to use it. Therefore some of us do not allow ourselves to have one.

My tiny tiny tiny OEGB hatched 5 gold Brabanter eggs for me.

I wish some of my standard size hens would go broody so I can put some Spitz eggs under them. My incubator is on the blink and I don't trust it to hatch for me right now (remember all those crooked toes I got last year).

Anyone in centeral Texas interested in some gold Brabanter hens (pick-up only) ? I need to cull a few.
If you knew someone driving to SW WA / Portland Oregon I am
My brother does not long haul anymore so I lost my connection to long distance favors.

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