Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Amanda and Rusty create wonderful images.

Rustry's is front and center in my great room.

In each incubation go round I gather what I can from my own Brabanters and since they are white eggs its pretty easy to tell what's.. what.. Well I am still scratching my head over these two chicks. They were from the Brabanter eggs... that pen is closed and it's just the cream hens and rooster.. hmmmm it's a mystery.

Scratching my head too on these guys.​
Hmmmmm, well it is not a Spitzhauben or Brabanter because this black dude does not have a V or horned comb. It looked like it has a single comb. Maybe a surprise egg.
It will be a mystery since first hatch was lemon blue Cochin eggs & second hatch was BLRW. I only included the Brabanter eggs because the incubator was running and I was hoping to get some of my own chicks to hatch. I dont own anything that would look like either one of these two chicks. The last hatch was a few weeks ago and was 2 brabanter eggs and 10 Salmon Faverolle... that brabanter looks like I expect ..
I got a photo of my girl, Specs, with the Gabbard rooster, Mr Spitz that was lovingly owned by Cyn, who took care of the pair for me and hopefully get some hatching eggs this year. At least I know my girl got spoiled and going thru a molt. Other than that, my orp banty hen is broody and I am asking for some hatching eggs from the pair soon.

So far, to this time and date, no one seems to have any Spitz pullet chicks yet in those hatcheries in case none of the eggs ever hatch.
Great looking pair!....I like the spangling on both and the hen is especially good!.............................................chrisf
I'm probably jumping the gun but... I know how everyone enjoys these dumb questions.

The Spitz chicks that I keep talking about are @ 4 weeks. They all have coal black... not a speck of white 2 inch high slicked back Mohawks except one. The odd one has a tiny, thin black and white top not.... kind of swooshed in all directions. That one has lots of black on the body and is very small. The Mohawks all have smoothly pointing downward tail/wing feathers ( not sure how to describe this) and the odd one has jaunty, upward pointing, longer tail feathers. Can you guess if I have 5 pullets and one cockerel, vice versa, or no clue?

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