Brahma Thread

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I'll be getting my first Light Brahmas in a couple weeks, 2 pullets from last year's hatch from a breeder in WA. I've been looking for some quality birds to start with for awhile now, so very excited they're coming.

My new chicks arrived. I have 11 light brahmas. Here is one of them. I wonder if I will get any roos? I'm looking forward to watching them grow and change.
It will be interesting to see how they feather out. I don't believe I have ever seen a light chick with that much dark down. Does it show any stripes on it's back ?

My new chicks arrived. I have 11 light brahmas. Here is one of them. I wonder if I will get any roos? I'm looking forward to watching them grow and change.
It will be interesting to see how they feather out. I don't believe I have ever seen a light chick with that much dark down. Does it show any stripes on it's back ?

Nor have I. foot/shank color appears a bit dark for a light as well. Where did you get your lights?
I got them from Murray McMurray Hatchery. I sure hope I didn't get Dark Brahmas by mistake. I ordered 11 of the lights. What do you think? No, they don't have a stripe on the back, but my Easter Eggers do have stripes.
I got my brahmas from there to. Min were all white with black patches on their head and back. Well, iguess not all white, but mostly white. Here is what they look like. They have been outside so they may be a little muddy. Also mine are bantams.

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