Brahma Thread

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Well I am happy to announce I will be the proud momma of 2 dark brahma pullets next week. Yes they are from a hatchery but none the less they are what I have been looking for awhile now. Anyone have any advice on these girls? I have one buff brahma bantam so standards are new for me. Everyone on here is very educational and give great advice so I am looking forward to hearing what you all think.
Well, I was hoping for some comments on my dark Brahma cockerel that I posted pictures of a couple of pages back, But thanks anyway.
He looks very good. Not many good quality large darks seen at shows here in Texas. My Son has a few large darks, in all honesty, I can't say they look any better than those in your photos. What hatchery did they come from?


tim would you be so kind as to critique my brahma cockeral and pullets - i value your opinion even though you do not work with lf brahmas.

They look like they could fill in a bit more. Color looks pretty good. Just as a general observation, large darks overall seem to lack the type of the excellent large lights being shown today. They typically lack the good front to back width along with the blown wide tails todays large lights exhibit. They are usually smaller as well. There are some good ones, just not as common as good lights.
Thanks tim. I have noticed that neither pullet has a wide u-shaped tail. Both are narrow .... I also am concerned my cockeral has a shorter back than i imagined brahmas as having. Do you think more time will help me to decide whether he is a keeper? Should his tail flare upwards at such an angle, or be more parallel with hos back? Thanks for taking the time to answer me!
your darks are young yet, it takes about 2 years for them to reach full potential. first year they build the frame work after that they fill out . so its hard to tell at 7 months old give them some time you may love that you did ........ want brahmas 2 ps. hope you dont mind my 2 cents :)
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