Brahma Thread

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Yes Joe, he's the same bird we discussed on the Brahma Club forum. He is the one that ended up 1st at the West Texas Fair.
hi, i just wanted to add my lf light brahma hen won first place at the county fair. she was picked off the roost in the dark. ramdon pick. i am so proud of my birds. my silkie pair won first also.
Erica, they are supposed to. The description of primaries and secondaries, for male and female, is the same in the Bantam Standard. I think the competition has to be pretty tough for a judge to make his/her choice based on wing color. In other words, I have never culled a bird for wing color alone.
Tim, if you notice most of the better judge will spread the wing first thing they do. The amount of wing color goes back to the discussion we had before about the different color factors that are connected to produce good colored Brahmas. Undercolor, hackle, saddle, and cape.
I have noticed that Don, I don't disagree. However, I have seen birds with SOLID black primaries win. I am working towards the "perfect" bird, but right now wing color is not at the top of my cull list. That being said, I think my bird's wing color is pretty good. I have kept only 2 light Ks this year. They are both colored VERY well. I will be putting them on some monster-typed birds in the spring. Hopefully I will get some well colored-super typed birds. I was going to put the males on some super typey buff females. Chad and Greg are helping me out with some high quality female lights, so I won't be using any buffs in my light program. I'll have less concern about future brassiness in my light male wing bows.

I did really well at the West Texas Fair. I had 12 birds and Chad had 10. I had 1st light K, 1st Buff K, and 1st Buff P. The Buff P was BV and RB and Res FL. The Buff K was RV. Chad had an out of this world light P that was BB and champion FL. The main reason for my early success is the way those two have taken me under their wing so to speak, and just helped me in every way possible.

We miss your input over at the Brahma club.
Tim, notice I said better Judge's. Jeff Halbach, Tim Bowles, Curtis Oakes, and Scott Adams are some of the very best and Tim Bowles is the very best I have seen judge Brahma's.
I took advantage of the fact my girl is finally squatting for me and took a good look at her wing and OMG they looked just like Tims wing pic too bad for the rest of her. But I guess to the untrained eye shes a beauty
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