Brahma Thread

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big medicine ..... they are looking lovely!
Sill have quite a way to go, type wise, but thank you. That is one advantage to working with big, good looking, calm natured birds, even those that don't quite measure up are easy to move as back yard layers.
Wellllllllll, I am going to have to get some new pics up! The "girls" are 11 weeks old now, and one of them turned out to be a boy! Thankfully, I have already found a home for the Black Cochin Banty roo that I got about a month ago. I have no ordinance that says I can't have a rooster, but I think that two would be pushing it.
I am looking for a picture or pictures of proper wing coloration for a light brahma/columbian. I read the standards but need to see a picture to truly understand. I don't want to cull the wrong ones. Does anyone know where a picture of good wing color can be found?
I just got in. I will take a picture in a while and get it posted. The SOP, mine is the 1998 paperback version, has photos of columbian feathers. It is figure 65, on page 27. Give me a while and I'll get a photo up, I have a couple of well colored cockerels.
Thank you Tim63 for posting the pictures. I hope you folks on this Brahma thread appreciate a knowledgeable person that is willing to share information. I sure do!
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