Brahma Thread

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I have a Brahama question. I am having a hard time finding a breeder of them in my area and have no incubators so can't hatch eggs myself. I have read on some different posts that the hatchery Brahamas are smaller. I am asuming that the chicks from feedstores are from these hatcheries. My question is... Will the Brahama's that come from the hatchery still have same dispostion as the breeder Brahama's?
And if a person just HAD to get hatchery brahmas where would you suggest, who has the best? (for hatchery stock) By best I mean, size and disposition, but not the $400/set at Greenfire farms.
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And if a person just HAD to get hatchery brahmas where would you suggest, who has the best? (for hatchery stock) By best I mean, size and disposition, but not the $400/set at Greenfire farms.

If I had to buy Hatchery Stock Brahma I would not have Brahma because I would just not want Hatchery fowl even if they were free. Don
Are the brahma slow growers? At about 6 months old w/ a non hatchery, but not show quality either how big would an average brahma be?
Any of you with LF on here ship eggs? I am trying to find someone before spring gets here and go ahead and figure it out early lmao.

Any ideas or directions to who to seek out would be wonderful. Not picky on color, just want large fowl
Greenfire has not "brought in" any Brahmas, unlike some of their other breeds that have come from overseas. The Laced Brahmas have come from American breeders both of which can periodically be found on BYC. In addition, several other BYC people now have these varieties.

I saw you asked in the WA thread. Also do a search for the NPIP certified in WA state- it will list the breeders specifics on LF's vs bantam, breeds within, and other avian wildlife. That's how we found breeders near us for breeds we want.

So if you are looking for within driving distance, first check the NPIP list.

Hatchery quality Brahmas are much different than exhibition quality. Obviously they lack the conformity of the SOP. They are bred to be production birds more than anything. Ours has an awful pinched tail, long neck and tail, small head and body- and is only about 4 pounds(!) at 10 months old.

But... she is very sweet. We got her from The Grange in Issaquah (Privett is the hatchery that supplies their chicks) early last year.
Thankyou pitterpatter for answering my question.

I looked there. I didn't relise Brahma's were so hard to find. only 3 breeders n that list. Now how do you find the contact info? They put done the names and addresses. Do I mail them an inquiry?

sorry I am brand new to this searching for breeders.
nice pics thaks for the correction i forgot they were from here lol
Greenfire has not "brought in" any Brahmas, unlike some of their other breeds that have come from overseas. The Laced Brahmas have come from American breeders both of which can periodically be found on BYC. In addition, several other BYC people now have these varieties.
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