Brahma Thread

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Are dark brahma bantams as friendly as the large fowl ones? Are the roosters aggressive? I am trying to decide between Brahmas, Cochin's or Silkies for some good broodie's.
Hi everyone,

Apologies if this is off topic. I'm just a brand new chicken owner with three 3 week old LF Light Brahma chicks. I'm slowly making my way through reading all the interesting stuff on this forum and especially on this Brahma thread. It may take me a little while to catch up so please be patient with me.

I'm guessing that my chicks will need to go out to a coop (currently inside) in perhaps another 4-5 weeks, so I'm wanting to get a jump ahead of myself and start organising a coop for them now so I can do it properly. I'm going to need your help please.

I'm thinking that our old pump shed might be a suitable place. I live in Thailand and the temps here at the moment are 94 degrees f. and are only going to climb further still in the next month or so. My main concern then is that I am able to keep them cool enough. Can you please check out the photos below and guide me as to how I might make this suitable accommodation for them. I'm going to attach a fenced in run for them too. I need to know what kind of layout would be suitable for Brahma's - perch height, nest box size, suitable floor covering etc. I'll see about getting the old pumps removed and thought I will need to concrete in the holes left behind in the walls, or should I make them extra ventilation holes instead? Would it be too drafty? I'll also take the shelving off the wall (it's almost falling down itself anyway). Thought I would paint it up pretty etc. It has ventilation holes in the side of the concrete walls and also at the top of the solid metal door. Will this be adequate? I checked out the temperature in there this afternoon and it was already at 94 degrees. Is there anything else I should be aware of please? The entire inside of this pump house is concrete - walls, ceiling and floor - so I guess this makes it easy-clean.

The pump house is the area directly underneath the stairway. There is a child's bedroom window behind the open metal door to the "coop".




It looks fine for three chickens to me. Of course I would remove all of the pump stuff and fill the holes. Put down a thick layer of pine shavings, or whatever is avaliable in Thailand. Roost height is not to critical, I'd say 2 or three feet. I would leave the ventilation holes as long as the birds could stay dry in there. I would imagine your climate is similar to Texas or Florida. Lots of people in Texas and Florida have Brahmas and they do just fine. It looks like you could plug a fan in fairly easy, thats a good idea when its hot. A nest box is not really necessary if you keep clean deep bedding in the coop. I don't think cold winters would be an issue in Thailand?

Morning everyone! I'm new to this thread. Haven't had time to read through it yet but I'm hoping its a group of wonderful sharing people.

Looking so forward to my first breeding of brahmas. I'm getting 2 trios of Dan Powells amazing Buff Laced Brahmas this week. Fingers crossed for a safe Post Office journey!
A have a pair of the BLBs and they are truly lovely. You will be very happy.
if its a mixed flock of hatchery chicks my light brahma took longer to feather than the rest and she was a pullet.

They are a mix. One each Sussex, Australorp, Hamburg and my Light Brahma. The Sussex and Australorp are two weeks old and the Hamburg and Brahma are three (For some reason the hatchery split the shipment to the feed store in two; one set of breeds was sent over the weekend and one set during the week). I know Hamburgs are suppost to feather in faster than average so I was guaging off of the two week olds.

Thank you for helping me keep the hope alive.
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