Brahma Thread

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Anyone have any light brahma eggs or chicks for sale by chance? Would prefer 6-24wk chicks!
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there are a few on this thread that have lt brahmas, I got some from one on here and the chicks are huge already at 3 weeks old...
My lt Brahma's are not from BYCers. they are from TSC and even the hatchery ones are HUGE at 5 weeks! They are very friendly too. I have them in large dog crates until it is warm enough to go out to the coop, every time I reach in to get feeder or waterer I have at least one chick sitting on my arm when I come out! They jump down and walk around or come sit on my feet if the cat is around just daring her to come near!
Yeah I've heard how great they are... And with my kids that's a huge plus! I have a buddy the has a couple buffs for sale but I really want the lights!! Mainly because I have nothing white so it will add contrast to our yard! I wish the local feed stores here had them!
Can anyone tell me if if this a light brahma chick? It's a bantam and my free mystery chick in my Murray hatchery order. I had ordered some mottled cochin bantams and they gave me an extra mottled and this one. I know usually the free chicks are roosters but they don't sex bantams normally so does that mean I still have a 50/50 chance of a girl?



Hi Amy -

I don't think that's a Brahma chick. It looks more like a cochin to me. Light Brahma chicks are usually yellow or white in color. It's a beauty, though!
Post #1694 on page 165 of this thread. Photos of light Brahma chicks. I'm not saying what the chick in question is. Just pointing out in my experience Light chicks are seldom "yellow or white".
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