Brahma Thread

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Please be patient and wait to see what nice birds you have.... that's what i would do. Glad i'm not about to worry what week old chicks look like....gosh....they grow and change fast....


This is my first contribution to BYC and would appreciate your honest opinion.

Also, I've been asked about the color of the roo and hen in my greetings thread.

I honestly keep mixing up the color names in English, but my best guess is that the roo is a Blue Columbian and the Hen is a Blue Partridge (she has some brown highlights on her neck). Either way feel free to correct me if am wrong. :)

You have some very unusual colored brahma's. I like them. The hens back feathers look untouched, are they breeding?
I know different breeds start laying at different ages as well as indivisual chickens, but around what age do brahma's start laying on average? Not hatchery stock.
Thanks. I have buff and gold laced, 9 months old and none have started yet. I will say, i think this is a big negative in my way of thinking. A possitive that can make up for this is if they lay good and longer than breeds that grow faster and start laying sooner.

I guess they wanted to be stuntman. i went out to check my eggs and i heard a crow and they were just sunning on a tire swing. I ran to get my camera and they hadn't left6 yet so i though everybody would want to see this.

I guess they wanted to be stuntman. i went out to check my eggs and i heard a crow and they were just sunning on a tire swing. I ran to get my camera and they hadn't left6 yet so i though everybody would want to see this.

Gorgeous Birds, Stunning photo!
Cool picture on the tire swing. Well, a couple of my light brahma chicks are starting to lighten up in color. They were solid black and now it is turning lighter. Some of them are maturing slower than others. They are growing their wing feathers. One of the brahma chicks will stand tall and look right at me curiously. A few others are more bashful. The EE chicks are growing the fastest. Are there any tips on sexing the brahma chicks?
I Have 2 Picture Perfect White /Black Columbian Supersize Bhrama Hens Named Padma and Uma. But these 2 spoiled snack Beggin' Jumbo Clowns turned into Mean Girls when we introduced a Dark Penciled Barnevelder adult Hen into the flock, along with 2 young start Pullets, a Blrw Splash and a Black Gold Laced Wyandotte.
Uma & Padme dont really peck the babies, much , just what amounts to normal shooing from desired food or spaces, momentarily...
The Poor Barnevelder gets Double teamed and chased till she Cackles! We Tried the Night coop introductions, the separte runs for 4 or so days & "Velda"has made friends with the lesser hens in the flock but the 2 Bhramhas still have it in for Her... Where's my sweet girls now?? Is it Jealousy?? Survival instinct or What??
Thanks for bearing my Ramble...
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