Breaking the Law, Breaking the Law

Wow. So clearly you are what is referred to as an unreasonable neighbor. Lol. Trying hard to get someone else in trouble then likely trying to keep your imagined halo over your head (it keeps slipping, ya know). Spending time to thoughtfully and maturely address the situation and aspects is what is needed. You’re suggesting that OP immaturely spend time trying to encourage a neighbor war.
Actually though... all of those are gray areas, at least where I'm from. There is no magistrate in his right mind who would issue a warrant for arrest because some crabby lady came in and said "MY NEIGHBOR FED MY CAT BACON GREASE!!!" Fertilizing someones grass technically is not vandalism here. No monetary damage = no victim to suffer from the damages = no crime.

And as far as other people's animals, I have lost so many chickens to neighborhood pets at this point that if my neighbor's refuse to keep their animals off my property and away from my coop after civil conversation about it, I shoot and bury them. The animals, I mean.

In many places including here if a neighbors pet comes on my property it is only legal to trap and call animal control.
Guaranteed anyone putting nasty greasy stuff for my pets to eat (on the property line or in my yard) will definitely be caught in camera and prosecuted/sued/fined/jailed to the point they choose to move.
There are very clear laws about domestic animals here.

Edited to add....

I have spent enough money on my yard that anyone dumping fertilizer or anything else would definitely be prosecuted. It IS vandalism and fixing it does cost money so is a legal issue.
Stash your chickens with a helpful neighbor and their coop, pass the inspection, then bring your chickens back. Then check the ordinances for as many violations as you can find on your problem neighbor, send her a letter by certified mail entailing each and every one of those violations with fines and a grand total, without communicating any overt threat or condition. Covertly place some attractants (bacon grease works well) at the edge of her property and call aninal control officers every time a neighborhood stray is remotely in the area, blaming her for it. Maintain anonymity and plausible deniability. If she has pets and they are ever off her property, put out greasy messy foods for them to get into. Every time you hear a strange noise from anywhere remotely near her house, or haven't seen her in a day or so, call in an anonymous concern for her wellbeing and ask the police to check on her. If she doesn't have cameras, put fertilizer in random, irregualr places in her grass while she's not home. Keep up these tactics for at least a full business week, then in personal conversation (if you happen to have one) let her know that you will continue to make her life the valley of the shadow of death if she ever messes with you or anything that is yours again. Then if she still gives you a problem, unleash the code enforcement officer.
Sounds pretty time consuming.
Personally I value my time to much to spend so much of it trying to be juvenile and pety.
I’m really sorry, but you’re going to have to get rid of your chickens. I know you don’t want to hear this.

If you only have 7 days, I would start looking NOW for a new home so that part isnt traumatic and devastating as well. Unfortunately I’d imagine you would have to get rid of them even if you did talk to the neighbor, because you’re in the system now.

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