Breaking the nurse-to-sleep association. No-Cry Sleep Solution.

I'm not sure...the other digestive issues I'm having, which I don't want to go into because it's too gross, but I can't do things like potato. The more potato and egg I eat, the worse the problems get, and I've been told I have to drop them.
Hey, mind if you pm you?
I have a fair amount of experience with what you are talking about....
LaLeche League used to have a pamphlet on foods that can cause problems with a breastfeeding baby. I would expect that they still have a pamphlet on that or a similar subject, but it would likely have been updated. I do recall that a lot of foods cause gas that you would not think of as being an issue.

Consider what cereals you are eating and try to keep to ones that are less processed and have fewer "added" ingredients. Shredded wheat, oatmeal and kashi are the ones that come to the top of my mind as having less added stuff. Corn can be a BIG problem digesting, so that is often one of the first foods that is suggested to drop when food allergies are suspected. And corn is added to the vast majority of things that have any sweetening.

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