Breastfeeding in public

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I know.

I've NEVER seen a woman do that, even when I lived in San Diego - and pretty much anything goes there.
I saw more SKIN in the mall, than on a nursing mom.

(why don't we see folks complaining about those "Muffin Tops" and butt crack showing?)
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I know, it's shocking, isn't it? And I'm really hard to shock!

One thing that DRIVES ME CRAZY is those boys (and some men) who insist on wearing pants 10 sizes too big, the waist band sits BELOW the butt (and they'll put a belt on to HOLD IT THERE), and then all you see is UNDERPANTS... why bother wearing pants at all? Just wear underpants and save some $$$$
Having formula 'on hand' so you don't have to breastfeed in public is a good way to not be able to breast feed. Breastmilk works on a supply = demand equasion. If you skip nursing sessions to give a bottle without pumping to mimic the 'demand' on the breast, pretty soon you won't have any milk any more.

Women should breastfeed in public. That doesn't mean they need to sit right next to a stranger to do it, or be 'in your face' about it.

Anyone who has an issue with a woman feeding her baby as God intended with superior nutrition to anything Man can devise is the one with the problem. We Americans have a weird relationships with breasts. On the one hand, we look at images every day of barely concealsed breasts, artifically enlarged breasts, sexualized breast, etc. If a woman doesn't wear v-neck shirts or a bikini on the beach she's a prude. However, if the same woman is latching on her baby and the merest hint of flesh shows, it's considered 'rude, impolite' and she should cover up. I have never seen a woman breastfeeding in public show 1/10th of the skin that I see when I go to the pool.

Wearing a baggy loose T-shirt or top is the pefect breastfeeding clothing. I nursed in public anytime, anywhere. Do you want to hear my baby crying or see his head under my shirt?? I assure you I was able to nurse without showing ANYTHING and never used a blanket to cover up. A sure fire way to scream to the world "I"M BREASTFEEDING" is to use a blanket.

I had people come up to me and lift my shirt to 'see my cute baby' - even AFTER I said 'he's eating...'. They had no clue he was nursing. Needless to say they were more embarrased than I was.

You should be able to nurse a baby anywhere you would give a bottle. Why should you have to go to the bathroom, or a separate room? There is nothing shameful about breastfeeding. Formula fed kids score lower on virtually ANY study ever done - health wise, asthma, childhood leukemia, IQ/intelligence, # trips to the doctor, # prescriptions for antibiotics, etc. There is NEVER a study done that shows formula to be even an equal substitute for breastmilk.

And yes, I am very biased - I breastfed all 4 of my children, and I think the biggest shame in the world is women who intentionally deprive their babies of the benefits of breastmilk because it's not convienient for the mom. (I'm not talking about women who at least TRY...) Why would anyone willingly cheat their baby when the nature's miracle formula is right there, free for the taking? I just don't get it. If a pharmaceutical company could come up with a shot or pill that would give the benefits of breastfeeding, it'd be considered child neglect not to give it, yet women who nurse their babies to provide the best possible start in life have to deal with our culture's attitudes about how nursing is something shameful that should be done in a separate room, or in the bathroom. Yes it is a natural function, but it is not the elimiation of waste products like the example given of 'peeing'. Breastmilk is not to be compared to urine.

I also teach breastfeeding classes and do breastfeeding support and counseling. I tell my students that with my first baby I was not comfortable nursing very openly in public. With the 2nd baby I was comfortable nursing most anywhere, but I worried that i was making others uncomfortable, which caused more stress for me. By the time the 3rd baby came, I figured out that my baby's needs were far more important than anyone's comfort level.
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Plus if someone's so freaked about men getting somehow turned on, or grossed out, watching someone feed their children, then I'm the least of her problems!

Breasts are for love and nourishment!

If you are referencing me, you missed the point. I am not freaked out, but there are disgusting critters afoot these days. For your own safety, I'd not give them any encouragement. Pervs dont put aside their sickness just because someone is nursing a baby. If you dont believe this is a sick world, you havent seen the news lately. Doesn't matter what they're for with those types. Sad, but true.

And please dont say I'm anti-breastfeeding, for pete's sake! I think some are trying to say that if you believe modesty is in order here, that you are anti-breastfeeding. There are two issues here.​
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According to my SIL who is a lactation consultant, a lot of the issues people have with breastfeeding stems from our culture's attitudes towards breasts and breast milk. Some consider breasts to be sex toys, so breastfeeding should be done in the bedroom. Some consider breast milk to be a body excretion so breastfeeding should be done in the bathroom.

In the generations since the introduction of bottle-feeding artificial baby formulas our society has lost a lot of common knowledge about breastfeeding. I think it's a good thing that we as a culture are regaining that knowledge and are able to inform and support others. I think moms should be able to nurse their babies without having to hide in back rooms or toilet stalls, but also be sensitive to the company they're with.

I think we all would benefit from doing our personal best to be both considerate and tolerant of others.
I see no problem with it at all. It is the most natural thing that a mother can do. Why does this country make suck a big deal out of nudity? We were all nude when we came into this world. If you are uncomfortable with a situation turn around look the other way. Why should a child have to wait for lunch, or get lunch under a hot blanket, because some people are uncomfortable about breast feeding.
Breastfeeding babies normally nurse every two hours. Its 45 min. to town for me. I know you don't have children yet, but just so you can plan now, you won't be able to be home at every feeding time. It's just not going to happen.

I have three children and a baby on the way. There are going to be times when I will HAVE to nurse publicly. There was with the others. It's 100 degrees today. I would not expect a mom to have herself and her baby wrapped up under a bunch of covers today either if she were nursing. I'll just never understand why people are so offended by nursing mothers.
I breastfed both of my kids, did so in public and rarely used a cover. Didn't use a cover mainly because my babies would just yank it off anyway. I did wear clothing that made it easy to cover up and made every effort to be discreet. If there was a private place to nurse, I would use it. If there wasn't... well the baby has to be fed whether there is privacy or not. I'd much rather a mom go ahead and nurse wherever she happens to be than let her child scream in hunger.
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