Breda Fowl thread

I'm waiting on replacement parts for our new coop and by the time it arrives I'll put the new girls in the new coop first to claim territory so the old birds don't chase them around the old coop - not likely that will happen but it will be nice for the new girls to be adjusted to each other before facing the established flock.

Just thinking out loud since I think you know I have only the girls I got all at the same time 3 years ago as day olds so I am inexperienced in such things:
Would it be beneficial to not put ANY birds in the new coop until you can do them all together? I'm wondering if having them all a little off kilter would be better than having some with "claim" to the space which is then "invaded" by others. They are going to work out the pecking order regardless and if the new birds may end up on the bottom since they are juveniles, might it be easier if they aren't trying to defend what is "rightfully theirs"?

I'm sure those with experience introducing new birds to old will have good thoughts on this.
Just thinking out loud since I think you know I have only the girls I got all at the same time 3 years ago as day olds so I am inexperienced in such things:
Would it be beneficial to not put ANY birds in the new coop until you can do them all together? I'm wondering if having them all a little off kilter would be better than having some with "claim" to the space which is then "invaded" by others. They are going to work out the pecking order regardless and if the new birds may end up on the bottom since they are juveniles, might it be easier if they aren't trying to defend what is "rightfully theirs"?

I'm sure those with experience introducing new birds to old will have good thoughts on this.

Hi - the advice was suggested to me a couple years ago. I've introduced a few new girls over the years and something works differently depending on the breeds involved.

Our 2 new girls are known gentle/timid breed temperaments. It just made sense to get the 2 new girls acclimated to a new environment since they will also have to contend for outdoor space which the older girls already establish familiar claim.

All the breeds are gentles so I'm not expecting anything other than ordinary pecking order. The 2 little Silkies are the "old" ladies of the group and even if they chest bump their way with the younger larger breeds the Silkies won't be able to injure them. Our 2 y/o Ameraucana still respectfully submits to the littler Silkies and she's grown 21/2 times larger than them. This is why we grew to love Ameraucana girls so much. They would rather flee than combat and accept new, orphaned, or injured flockmates willingly where other breeds are not so nurturing.

Our one new experience will be with the Breda and from all reports from other owners/breeders she should be an ideal blend for the flock. We'll see. We've had so many interruptions to our plans with the coop being delayed and with the wrong bird shipped to us that we're in flux and just going with the flow.
We've had so many interruptions to our plans with the coop being delayed and with the wrong bird shipped to us that we're in flux and just going with the flow.
Originally Posted by bruceha2000

The only way to stay sane!!! I hope all the bumps in your road have been crossed now.
The Breda "pullet" turned out to be a cockerel. My pullet got shipped to Florida and their cockerel got shipped to me in California. This whole month has been a fiasco. On a positive note the replacement parts arrived for our new coop. They sent touch-up paint but the paint they sent won't begin to cover the damages. Oh well, go with the flow!

Hate to give up the Breda cockerel. He is the sweetest thing this side of Jupiter.
Originally Posted by bruceha2000

The only way to stay sane!!! I hope all the bumps in your road have been crossed now.
The Breda "pullet" turned out to be a cockerel. My pullet got shipped to Florida and their cockerel got shipped to me in California. This whole month has been a fiasco. On a positive note the replacement parts arrived for our new coop. They sent touch-up paint but the paint they sent won't begin to cover the damages. Oh well, go with the flow!

Hate to give up the Breda cockerel. He is the sweetest thing this side of Jupiter.
Where are you located? I've been looking for a male.
Where are you located? I've been looking for a male.

He is such a sweet bird. He eats out of our hand, let's us hold him, goes to sleep in our arms, poses for the camera curiously - a gentle soul for a boy. His Ameraucana pullet companion has been pulling on his toe quills and we had to paper tape his toes to keep her from picking at him. What is it about sweet cockerels that let the ladies pick them? Once his tail feathers grow out his length will easily cover the 29" long chicken mat he's sitting on.

I'm in SoCalif. Still have his NPIP certification from the original breeder who meant him as breeding stock for FL this month but accidentally shipped to me in CA. I am willing to ship at my expense - that's how worth it he is! This photo taken a week ago. He was 41/2 months approx when photo'd. He obviously has more growing out to do. I never shipped a bird before through USPS but willing to give this guy a breeding home he deserves. I don't want to just put him "out to pasture" like he was an old man although my friend rescues cocks/cockerels and battery hens and will take him! As a "pullet" we named him "Ilse" but after he crowed we renamed him "Ichabod Crane" because his neck cranes so tall when he stands.

Any interest just PM me!

I'm in Northern California, in the Sacramento area.
I've never had a grown bird shipped to me before... do you know what the cost would be?
Hi -
Don't worry about shipping cost. I'll absorb it. I want to see a breeder stock utilized to his full potential. He's young, sweet, personable, and not an honery cockerel. We were so delighted to get him when we thought he was a pullet because he was more incredible a breed than we'd ever had before. My friend would give him a good caring home but he'd be better used for breeding which was his original shipped intent. He'll have many sweetness genes to pass along to future chicks.
If interested PM me.

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