Breed, gender, and health of my 7 week old chickens

If I keep both the roosters and hens together, will it cause any major problems, and will I get fertilized eggs?
While it is possible all 4 may get along fine, it is far more likely that scenario will not work. The cockerels may not tolerate one another and constantly fight. Or they may get along fine but harass the pullets to the point where they cannot eat, drink or dustbathe in peace. Having 2 hormonal cockerels constantly chasing them may stress them to the point where they quit laying. Even one cockerel may cause issues.
Hello! I want to know the breed of my approximately 6 week old chickens. Please also tell me their gender, I think the two ones to the right are hens, and the two ones to the left are roosters. Am I right? The one to the extreme right is an 8 week old, the one to the left of that is about 6 week old, and the ones at the left are 8 or 7 week olds. Please tell me what you think their age and gender is, and while you are there, do my chicks look healthy? And before you judge the dirty background, it was dirty only this particular day, most other days there is just a dropping or two. Thanks for your time, really would appreciate an answer, and do appreciate your time for reading this. Good day!View attachment 2442263
Oh as for the breed that they are, it is very hard to say at this age. could be red leghorns, Rhode island reds, redquill games. many breeds look similar at this age.
Yes there is a good chance there will be problems. You need to understand that young cockerels have only one thing they want to do and that is mate with hens. They can hurt the hens. They can seriously hurt the hens. That's why most experienced keepers of chickens keep only one rooster with about ten hens and have told you so, repeatedly. Please listen to what you are being told. Even one rooster with only two hens is not a good plan. Please, either get more hens or keep the boys in one pen and the girls in another.

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