Breeding pure Ayam Cemani in Texas


Mar 1, 2018
Hello guys I’m new to this website,
I have Ayam Cemani rooster from Greenfire Farms, and a friend of mine has few cemanis mixed with EE and some with black astrolopes which lays cream eggs (their parents were from Greenfire farms as well) , I’m trying to pure breed them in future.

If I breed my rooster with any of her hens is there any chance of getting a pure breed or at least better Ayam Cemani?
Plus anyone can help me understand how the poultry genetics works to help me with pure breeding my chickens?

Are there any chicken farms in Texas who has pure Ayam Cemanis that I can visit and buy from?

We have Ayam Cemani eggs coming in the next few days too! I would recommend buying some pullers from GFF to start your lines. Post pics of your roo! We would love to see him :)
We have Ayam Cemani eggs coming in the next few days too! I would recommend buying some pullers from GFF to start your lines. Post pics of your roo! We would love to see him :)
Here is our pure Ayam Cemani rooster from GFF, we are getting 2 hens from the same farm, Hopefully they will produce some good quality chicks.
Right now we are getting ready to incubate our new batch of all rare breeds. Fingers Crossed

Would be great to know if there are any good chicken farms that we can visit in Texas.
sorry, I added so if in indonesia the benchmark cemani chicken is still pure or note pure is to see the chicken's mouth. if the correct pure it will be black instead of red or the other. for example can be seen in this photo, you will know which is pure or not.
Sorry, my English is bad

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