
7 Years
Sep 10, 2015
Hubby and I finally saved up to invest in a Brinsea Ova-Easy 100 model. We are so excited to try it out with the hopes of great hatch rates.

Does anyone have experience with this incubator? If so, have any advice you would like to share?

We went ahead and purchased an automatic humidifier for the unit, and so far its been great. I hope to leave a detailed review as soon as we get some hatches out of it.

Some of the features it includes are things I haven't really heard of In regular incubation (such as the cooling feature)
Use distilled water!!

Tap water contains minerals that will stay in the sponge after it evaporates resulting in a buildup.

***This causes the sponge to stop evaporating water efficiently, thus causing the issue below. The sponge would have to be rebought if this happens.

Our tap causes it to become brown and crusty. (Due to mineral buildup, not dirty water).

If the incubator has a bottom tray for the sponge it can accidentally overflow if there is an unknown humidity problem.

Let’s say your sensor malfunctions... or you use a mineral filled sponge....

boom! water will just keep pumping and not stop. This is because if the incubator thinks it’s 40% Hu (or actually is 40% and the incubator just can’t raise the Hu % because of the sponge) and it’s set to 50% Hu then it will just keep pumping the water trying to get it to 50% Hu

Same thing that happened to me.

Also I do not use cooling.

Also... nice choice on the brinsea! I like these incubators. High tech compared to other incubators and high hatch rates.

The only thing I would do is re-engineer their humidity system.
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