BRM's Bunny Thread! ❤️🐰❤️

Actually her second! But I didn't own her when she had her first kits and it didn't go very well. She had lots of still born and I think maybe one of two made it. I don't know the buck she was bred with, her living conditions, nor how she was treated, so maybe it was on her previous owners. We will just have to see :) she is getting supreme treatment through this pregnancy, she is obviously not stressed and is very relaxed. No reason for things to go badly, but still possible.
Do you know how many total she had in her first litter including the still born?
Can anyone help in vision a second floor for floofers on this hutch?? Caspian's in it right now... But I want to make a second floor. Kinda a wet day tho lol. I need to write up some plans. Also it is higher than in the pictures, I'm not sure why it looks so short. I would keep Vera and Mirabelle up here and then have them in my rabbit tractor during the day. I probably give off the keeping my rabbit in the house vibes, but we just aren't in that stage of life right now. They all live outdoors or the garage. And they all grow huge coats and are perfectly capable of living out here in the winter :) and Ideas for how I should build it?
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Hmmm well it definitely appears to have enough room for a second floor. Could you put in some kind of tray or a barrier so the poop and pee don’t fall on Caspian.

I did think your rabbits were inside! Haha but that makes me feel better. We house ours outdoors also, but they are going to be spoiled. We have too many allergies in the family to have indoor pets. But I think it’s totally fine to house outdoors when they are properly taken care of!
Do you know how many total she had in her first litter including the still born?
Rgh, I'm really not sure... My breeder friend got her from one of her friends lol. Let me ask her.
I was just told that she was not aware she was pregnant and Mir had them on a very cold December night. None of them survived 😕

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