BRM's Bunny Thread! ❤️🐰❤️

A week ago I dealt with my first frozen water bottles! It got to 20 something degrees. First time its gotten that cold in a long time. How is everyones bunnies doing?
We dealt with the cold weather all last week. One night the real feel temp was -35 because of the wind. The rabbit shed was wrapped with tarps and had a couple heat lamps put in there. The dog and cats slept in there too 😂 but I had to make the dog. He would have preferred to stay out. Hopefully will have some babies in January but I’m not gonna hold my breath haha.
My free range bun Edward loved the snow. I went out to check goats periodically and he was running all around having a great time, my other 4 buns just chilled in there hutches, I gave them extra straw and they hunkered down. Our temperature just got to -7 but the weatherman said it felt like -22 with windchill. Had 3 cats and 3 dogs sleeping inside my 12 x20 tiny house with my 2 babies and my partner, it was cozy lol
How goes bunny keeping? Any babies yet? Right now I just have all my does with bucks, I don't know if anyone took, but spring is coming, so whatever.
Thariel X Kalmar
Caspian X Mirabelle
Mopsy X Kesler

Those are all the bunnies I have right now, except for a Mopsy baby who is still for sale.
How goes bunny keeping? Any babies yet? Right now I just have all my does with bucks, I don't know if anyone took, but spring is coming, so whatever.
Thariel X Kalmar
Caspian X Mirabelle
Mopsy X Kesler

Those are all the bunnies I have right now, except for a Mopsy baby who is still for sale.
Still going good here! We had that cold snap that was so cold, windchill was -35 one night, but everyone made it through great! (They were blocked from the wind of course) No babies yet, but I’m certain Lilly is pregnant and due tomorrow. I can feel them and felt them kick. If no babies appear this time, I’ll know she’s eating them and will get rid of her. Ember and Tilly would be due next week if they took but I haven’t done much palpating on them. We are also selling our place so I’m still trying to work out the details on what we might have to do if we don’t find a new place before this one closes! 😬
Anything? :)

She finally did it!!!! 6 little babies!

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