Brooder toys for baby chicks?

I agree with getaclue, don't overdo the treats. Putting their regular food in a different container is a treat. And Sue T is also right--perches are it, the best furniture. Count on them being on top of every toy you add to the brooder.
And gtaus is right, a mama hen keeps every chick on the run, no time to be bored...
But if you don't have mama hen, here's a sample of the "toys" I put in the brooder. Notice the hot cup (the heat lamp keeps it warm, and the lid, or placing the cup upside down, keeps them from falling in). The "first chicken" to hatch is sometimes lonely until the next one hatches, and the cup really provides a little warm companionship.
I put their food in a clear pyrex or anchor-hocking custard cup, and even day-old chicks will hop up on it and peck at the sides of it ("how come I can see this food but not eat it from the side").
I also put a box in that they can hide in or go into and come out of.
I put in a water bottle with a few pebbles or marbles too big to be swallowed in the water tray.

Brooder Babies IMG_20190502_230105587.jpg
...Notice the hot cup (the heat lamp keeps it warm, and the lid, or placing the cup upside down, keeps them from falling in). The "first chicken" to hatch is sometimes lonely until the next one hatches, and the cup really provides a little warm companionship.

I never heard of that. Very interesting. I'll remember that if I ever incubate chicks. Thanks.
..nipple waterers...And you have clean water all the time with these.

I have been thinking about making a nipple waterer out of a 5 gallon bucket, but I might go with the horizontal nipples instead of the vertical nipples. Either way, I really like the idea of always having clean water. For now, I am just using my old screw on jar waterers which I have had for years.
I have tried some of the suggestions given here. I gave the chicks a 6X6 chunk of sod, which they at first ignored, then jumped on, then tore it apart after about 1 hour. So I will try that again.

I have put a mirror in the brooder, but I have yet to see the chicks show any interest in it.

I also purchased a plastic ball with a bell inside (cat toy) and suspended it on a bungee cord from the wire top of the brooder. So far, the chicks have stayed away from it, but it is too early to tell if they will like it.

I did make a sand bath for them in a small plastic container. One of the chicks showed interest in the sandbox and after scratching around for awhile, she laid down and gave herself a dust bath.

I plan on trying some of the other suggestions. Thank you.
Mine take any opportunity for a dust bath - pile of shavings, sod with good sandy dirt.

I’ve given them a little bit of scrambled egg (1/2 egg for 4 chicks) one day, a few berries another. This was a huge source of entertainment (for us and the chicks!).

They love their branches. This thread reminds me to get a mirror!

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