Brooder toys for baby chicks?

...This thread reminds me to get a mirror!

My 3 week old chicks have not really shown any interest in the mirror I placed in the brooder about 2 days ago. They also don't seem to care about the hanging plastic ball with bell in it (cat toy) that I suspended above the bedding. I'll give them both a few more days, but if they don't show more interest in those toys, I'll just remove them and try some of the other ideas posted on this thread.
My 3 week old chicks have not really shown any interest in the mirror I placed in the brooder about 2 days ago. They also don't seem to care about the hanging plastic ball with bell in it (cat toy) that I suspended above the bedding. I'll give them both a few more days, but if they don't show more interest in those toys, I'll just remove them and try some of the other ideas posted on this thread.

Mine didn't go for the bell in the ball either.
Mine didn't go for the bell in the ball either.

I removed the bell in the ball yesterday. None of the chicks had any interest in it and it was just getting in their way. I left the mirror in the brooder, not because I have seen any interest in it, but it is flat up against the wall and does not take up any space.

I got out my chainsaw and cut up a 6 inch round truck of a fallen birch tree. I made 2 platforms for my 2 mason quart jar waterers which keeps them higher above the ground and cleaner from the chickens scratching the bedding into the waterer. I also made a stump from the birch tree. It is about 6 inches high. The chicks took to it very fast and within 10 minutes they were taking turns jumping on top of it and knocking each other off. Later, in the day I saw two or three chicks on the stump just roosting, so that stump idea seems like it was very good.

I have also been pulling dandelions and other weeds and giving it to them in small quantities. Probably not a toy, but a nice distraction none the less and anything they can eat seems appreciated. They like scratching in the greens.
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HA! On a hunch, I placed a compact mirror on the edge of the brooder, and you aren't kidding! They love it. My 2 Buff Orps literally sit in front of it.. I love it

That's great. For some reason, my chicks had no interest in any of the "toys" I put in the brooder. They had no interest in the mirror and eventually I took it out and never put it back.

Now my chicks are full grown, and they mainly spend all their time scratching and pecking out in the chicken run on nice days. I put a pallet compost bin in their run and they will jump on it and sit in the sun. But I have yet to find any distractions for them that are not related to something they can eat. A bucket of kitchen scraps sure entertains them while the scraps last.

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