Broodies Doing Great...Nora and Panda- Bad News re: Smoky's

Idk excactly
but I live near Conyers and Covington. They are about 20 minutes away from me
What about you?
I love that look on Panda's face! "Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into Stanley"!!!

On a serious note however: Cyn, I notice that Panda's comb flops to one side. To the best of your knowledge, what causes this? My little BR mutt that I named in honor of your Ivy has the same thing going on. Her comb would be quite nicely formed and tall were it not for the flopping over just as it crests from the crown of her head! I don't recall ever seeing her get in a scuffle with anyone to cause significant injury to the comb. And I've never seen any wounds on it either. Beats the cookies outta me why it flops. Do you have any ideas?
Panda is half Barred Rock and half Ameraucana. She has one of those "gob of chewing gum" combs you often get when crossing a single combed breed with a pea combed breed. I have some BRs whose combs just flop. Used to have a New Hampshire hen whose comb sat on her head like a beret, LOL. Its just one of their quirks, I guess.

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