Broody hatch-a-long!!! With Pippin!

Violetta isn’t particularly tame herself, so I’m not going to reach under her, but definitely will try to interact with the baby(s) in the days ahead. Right now fingers crossed that she will be a good mama. So far so good.
I have 10 adult chickens, and 3 are very tame, the rest like me and will come up to me, but wouldn’t jump in my lap and they will avoid being touched. Violetta is in the 2nd group. Her mom, Moonshine, now broody on day 2, would be in the first group.
Pippin isn't very tame either. Her and her sister were my first chickens, I bought them as adults. My 3 'chicks' (12wks old) are very tame.
I have 5 chickens. 2 skittish hens who will eat out of my hands but not enjoy cuddles. And 3 sweeties who enjoy hugs.
I bought my satin at approximately 7 weeks old. She was docile but not really super tame at first. It wasn't until she got bullied by all the other hens that she started using me as a human shield. If she came to me, I would pick her up so the other hens wouldn't be able to get to her. I guess she associated being picked up with safety, and somehow became a super lap chicken that way...
Only a week to go. I'm so nervous! Pippin has had to sit for 4 weeks already (ue to the infertile hybrid eggs) and she has been so determined and hasn't given up on her dreams of being a mamma hen. I really want her to be happy.

I'm going to buy some chick crumb today and start setting up.
All day yesterday I kept trying to get a glimpse of the chick after that first morning sighting. But no luck. Today was looking the same. Mama Violetta was sitting tight on that 2nd egg which I was pretty sure had quit. Finally I put some moistened feed in a jar lid and put it right in the nest with them. Mama started eating it and then began excitedly calling to her baby. She shifted gears from egg sitting to baby sitting. She stood up and I grabbed the dud egg before she knew what was happening.
They haven’t left the nest yet, but giving moistened feed eliminates the immediate need for water...
omgomgomg it’s sooo cute!
Momma is adorable too :loveDid they leave the nest yet?

I have 12 days left 😭😭😭
They did not leave the nest. Maybe mama doesn’t realize there are no more eggs. (I discarded the quitter.). But it’s a chilly day, barely 60º. There’s moist feed within easy reach. All is well to stay put.....
Meanwhile, Beldar the rooster is handing out cigars....

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