Broody Hatch-A-Long!!!


Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
Hello everyone! I hope you guys are doing good today!!

I thought it would be fun to make a Hatch-A-Long for my 5 broody ducks. The mothers (soon to be) are Peaches (Indian Runner), Maple (Indian Runner), Sassy (Ancona), Favor (Muscovy), and Serenity (Muscovy)!! I’m hoping to update every day because a few of the ducks are still adding eggs to the nests!

Most are first time brooders except for Peaches and Serenity!!

There are.. 19 under Sassy, 15 under Maple, 10 under Peaches, 9 under Favor, and 7 under Serenity!!

All the ducklings that hatch WILL be sold, so if you are someone who if fallow and you want some of the ducklings, just let me know!!!

@Pierre duck drake @Bakbuk @cooingdove

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