BROODY HELP !!!!!!!!

hey everyone i need help moving a broody when and how should i do it because this chicken is only 7 months and hates my guts she runs away if i look at her. what should i do i need to move her without breaking her so does anyone have any suggestions to make her break her broodyness. 

At night put a towel over her and move her to the desired location ,once moved remove the towel and let her be.
I'm looking for suggestions too. I tried moving my 2 broody's last night and one stayed in the new place, but the other couldn't wait to get back to her old nest. I ended up leaving her there and putting her eggs back under her. They are supposed to hatch this weekend and she's up high in a nest box, so I am very worried about her and her chicks.
The best way I have moved a broody is as mentioned at night and I have a nest box she used before to hatch so she likes it and it is easy to move a hen and eggs all in one move. As far as how long they need to sit to be broody I would say 3 days and nights. I have a NH red who likes to be part time in the am but by3pm or when I feed mash she is up and out. As far as behavior it varies, last time she wanted to kill me if I got close and this time she just stares off into space and barely makes any noise
I'm looking for suggestions too. I tried moving my 2 broody's last night and one stayed in the new place, but the other couldn't wait to get back to her old nest. I ended up leaving her there and putting her eggs back under her. They are supposed to hatch this weekend and she's up high in a nest box, so I am very worried about her and her chicks.

She won't get off the nest right away. Let her hatch them where she is and after they hatch, move her and the chicks.
She won't get off the nest right away. Let her hatch them where she is and after they hatch, move her and the chicks.

Can I move her once they start hatching?? I just checked and I can definitely hear chirping coming from underneath her. One egg is cracked with a baby working it's way out - and the other 5 eggs still look the same...

We are leaving town today for the weekend and won't be back until Sunday afternoon. Can I move her and her eggs into a box I made w/food & water for her now?
I don't move them until the chicks have hatched and are fluffed. If she freaks out and doesn't sit on the eggs, they can get shrink wrapped and die.

I just moved a hen last night with her 4 chicks, as she was 8 feet up in the opened shavings bag. They are all as happy as can be.

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