Broody Hen

It's up to you if you want to separate her. In my coop the other chickens lay eggs in the morning usually and the broody is still on her nest at that time. Also I won't be heartbroken if the broody doesn't hatch the whole batch; I just want her to stop brooding!

Trust the broody to know how many hours to sit everyday, because the daily temperature can affect that. For example if it's 100 degrees F then that's too hot for the eggs and it's better if she doesn't sit on them.

So far my biggest issue has been the broody sometimes returning to the wrong nest. :barnie
When you take eggs away to save for her, do not wash them. Wipe any poo off them gently. Put them in a clean egg carton and keep them on the counter, not the fridge. Turn them over twice a day - I think that's right, someone will correct me if I am wrong. Mark them some way so nobody eats them or puts them in the fridge! I find it easiest to just turn the whole carton over instead of flipping each egg.
When you take eggs away to save for her, do not wash them. Wipe any poo off them gently. Put them in a clean egg carton and keep them on the counter, not the fridge. Turn them over twice a day - I think that's right, someone will correct me if I am wrong. Mark them some way so nobody eats them or puts them in the fridge! I find it easiest to just turn the whole carton over instead of flipping each egg.

Also how do i put the fertile eggs under her. is there any position that i have like pointy needs to face downwards? or jus put it under her .

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