Broody silkies ok to lime dust them?

isn't lime alkolotic too? I can't imagine that would be good for them. It's used for drying up stalls and covering dead animals... why do you want to put it on your hens?
I know it kills bugs and I'v used it in my runs to kill bugs out before with no ill affects before. I just didn't know if it be good for the eggs. I use it to kill out bugs in over 3 years of raising chickens iv used it and have had no problems with lice,mites or any other bug infestation.
Whoa. I 've heard of people applying lime to the ground, but never on the chickens themselves. Are you sure this is safe?
Now I can't say 100% its safe...I just know for the past 3 years I have used it.

I use it in my runs and coops.

I don't use tons of it a light dusting about twice a year or more if It seems like the bug population is building up.

It has kept my chickens bug free.

No lice/No mites and all those pesky bugs that like that smelly wet icky chicken poo and ect. Nadda.

NO ill effects on my chickens A light dusting on their backs.

NEVER IN OR CLOSE to their water.

I learned this from old timers who used it for many years on dogs and cats and their chickens.

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