Budgie Eggs!

Babies of pair #1 and #3

Istg they are the naughtiest of the bunch 😭 Being tame? Forget that, I'll just spill food all over my owner's place and scream whenever there is a little less food than I want.

Srsly they are the messiest and wont even eat 3/4th of the things I give them and then CRY when I give them a bit less food for less waste. BUTTTT extremely pretty, these three! :) Took this while cleaning so dont mind my potato camera and dirty cage 🙃

Edit : Forgot to mention their varieties. So. One light green opaline female (the child of pair #3), one sky blue opaline male AND the main character of this clutch. The SF spangle light green opaline male. Prettiest! 🤩

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