
These ones act like that at first and are near impossible to get out of the cage but once out, he’s quite tame and loves being out hahah the other one still doesn’t and put herself back in 🤣😭 but yeah. I was singing to him and he loves it hahah and he enjoyed flying around too quite a bit ❤️ I think if I had just him he would be EXTREMELY tame, even more so than he is now, and maybe even talk but yeah hahah in cage I can still sing to them and change food and everything and they’re fine and tame, they just don’t like being held when they’re in there lol idk why. But outside he does.
Are the males typically tamer? I've found my girl to be smarter and pick up on tricks better, but she still is unwilling to step up or let me touch her like he is.

She's not skittish. She's very tame and tolerable with my presence. I'm just not allowed to touch her.
Are the males typically tamer? I've found my girl to be smarter and pick up on tricks better, but she still is unwilling to step up or let me touch her like he is.

She's not skittish. She's very tame and tolerable with my presence. I'm just not allowed to touch her.
I’m not really sure. I think they do tend to be a bit calmer and cuddlier. At least every male I’ve had has been. The males always let me handle them even with minimal work/training and the girls are always psycho 🤣🤣🤣
Well then how is she right behind me
Good question


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